i think the 'cult' you speak of was established quite a while ago by john adams, john jay, alex hamilton, albert pike, pierre soule, and their ilk. why pretend it's a new phenomenon? maybe learn yourselves sometin'?

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This article makes perfectly clear that pretty much everyone would be better off knowing more about Christianity (and Judaism and Islam), and that's true of pretty much everyone whether they believe in God or not. Thank you for that!

And I mean this especially for the history of Christianity and the Bible (which obviously includes parts of Jewish holy scriptures). And that's because it's very difficult to understand fine p points of any kind of document and certainly of documents that are close to 2000 years old like the New Testament or even up to 3000 years as the Old Testament.

We should start with being aware that the first Christians were Jews and probably would have vehemently objected if someone had said they were not

Take Luke who in his gospel tried to prove that Jesus was the messiah Jews have been awaiting for centuries and still are awaiting.

Paul, from our modern perspective, is a clear antisemite and misogynist.

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